Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Rhino and Solstice

It's pretty rainy here.  Thankfully I have a golf cart on steroids at my disposal.  This Yamaha Rhino has been my safari vehicle here in False Pass the past several weeks.  On a side-note; This buggy is tough, it survived 100mph+ winds a few months back.  After being tossed about 100ft away from where it was parked the only real damage was to that broken-in door, causing all the glass to break and..  Anyway, so just now I was thinking, I should go for a ride.  Then I remembered I forgot to get gas earlier; Its kinda gettin low now...  See, you can only get gas here at 1:00pm at the Peter Pan dock, and it closes after the last person leaves.  Hm, just like the bar in Adak...  Anyway, this morning I met the guy that runs the fuel and ops at Peter Pan..He seemed like a nice guy.  He even told me I can go get gas earlier than 1:00... I was thinking, Like right now, cool?..."You can go at 12:59", he replied.. So needless to say, my short term memory hasn't been the best lately cause I forgot to get gas.  Now I have to think about how much gas do I really have, and i wonder how far can I go?  I guess I have some time to think about it.  it's still early at 7:30pm.  Which translates to about 5 more hours of daylight.  At least it's not windy! Happy Summer Solstice!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to get gas today!