Monday, August 11, 2008

Photography being my most enjoyed hobby, most of my posts will be focused around photos. So I was searching through my archived photos trying to decide on a photo to add to my first blog and this one popped right out. This a SUNRISE taken from Atka Island, Alaska in the Aleutain Chain.

"I do not worship the sun; rather I regard the shining orb as an appropriate symbol of the Great and Good Spirit who forever radiates life". -Author Unknown

I feel this embodies the philosophy of treating others how I would like to be treated myself and living life to the fullest. I do not judge but instead, accept every person I meet for their individualism. I take pride in living each day as if it were my last and feeling that I have accomplished much in my short time on this Earth, but also knowing that I have much more to give and receive. I learn from my experiences and try to pass on what I can, with each day finding something new to learn. The sun to me, reflects a spirit of everlasting power that provides life to everyone and everything around us.

The Sun, like Life is not to be taken lightly rather brightly.


Stealtharachnid said...


I was wondering, if you started a KFC franchise up there would you call it "cold slaw" or "cole slaw"?

Dang, how can you think it a great experience to leave the winter up there for the winter still up there in the NW yet to the south of you?

I just made a commitment tonight. Out of respect for you and all our fine memories, I am going to the Beach and see if I can stay there long enough to get a sunburn.

Stealtharachnid said...

I'm not so sure about my ability to burn cuz laying in the sand is boring. Before you know it, I'm in the water/

Stealtharachnid said...

One thing I can say for you though my friend, is that you have a slaried job. That I do not have.

Anonymous said...

Iam so glad that you started your blog again. It make me feel so much more connected with my other piece of flesh That is so far away , I still will love to go back to alaska its one of yhe most beutifull places i ever experience one love in the name of Jah , my son